Fall in the Woods
Fall in the woods,
leaves shadow shifting
A pond, ringed by trees,
punctuated by lily pads,
shimmers it's reflections
... and the world flies by
unknowing of the miraculous only steps away
The Gift of Seeing
I want - I need - I visualize;
A house along a shoreline lies
it's view of water, forest, marsh
absent the artificial harsh
bestows a soft and dreamy view
allowing life lived softly too
Receptive, open, full of awe
for Natures bounty - Beauty's law
Within this home I live my life
a world apart from illness, strife
Allowed, inspired, creating art
and food and play
for health and heart
In quiet bliss at Nature's hand,
in stewardship with this fine land,
I live and love and have my being,
and share with all
the gift of seeing.
Yes East coast knows how to do Fall beautiful. Nice poems Melani!