Sunday, October 18, 2009

Poetry for an inward day

It's a grey and rainy fall day, parrot is napping and not a lot of traffic on the road... so I'm reading old journals and found two of my poems worth typing up...

Fall in the Woods

Fall in the woods, 
leaves shadow shifting
A pond, ringed by trees, 
punctuated by lily pads, 
shimmers it's reflections
... and the world flies by 
unknowing of the miraculous only steps away 

The Gift of Seeing

I want - I need -  I visualize;
A house along a shoreline lies
it's view of water, forest, marsh
absent the artificial harsh
bestows a soft and dreamy view
allowing life lived softly too
Receptive, open, full of awe
for Natures bounty - Beauty's law
Within this home I live my life 
a world apart from illness, strife
Allowed, inspired, creating art
and food and play 
for health and heart
In quiet bliss at Nature's hand,
in stewardship with this fine land,
I live and love and have my being, 
and share with all 
the gift of seeing.

1 comment:

  1. Yes East coast knows how to do Fall beautiful. Nice poems Melani!
