What to write about? So many things on my mind and in my feelings these days...
From the personal to the political - and all that's green in between!
Issues of the day include; Single Payer, Public Option, and National Healthcare for Profit or for Humanity? There's Mountaintop Mining and Toxic Waste, Education and our Children's futures, there's the whole debate of Development and Economy vs Quality of Life and Sustainability, and Polar Bears, Wolves, Whales, and Dolphins at risk, what about the whole cornucopia of Food Issues - Local, Organic, Safety, and the Delights in a good meal - well made... and of course there's all the more personal subjects - like where is God in all this, and do we really create our reality? How much should we legislate of morality (if any) and will we ever be able to create a consensus in this world of diversity? There's so much on my mind that I'm not sure where to start!
So I'll start with the underlying reason for this blog... Communication and Stress Relief.
It seems to me that people are massively stressed lately. So stressed that they shout out at meetings and during Presidential addresses... So stressed that they seem to have a hard time being civil and respectful when differing opinions are voiced. So stressed that common courtesy is no longer common.
As I write, I intend that I am always as courteous as possible. I don't see the need of slamming another to make my point... though I believe it is perfectly respectful to seek out the holes in an idea that make it untenable to "the other" (as long as it is allowed to be expressed first) it is Never acceptable to call names.
I intend that I not overwork sarcasm or fury, and balance my "negativity" with Possibility as often as possible. Even if no one else reads this, I intend that I use this blog to clarify and refine what and how I come to see things as I do. I can imagine different people in my life reading what I write and having a spectrum of reactions... Some would roar in approval, others rise to object/correct, and some jumping in for the pleasure of discourse... so I will not concern myself with following any particular style or venue... Stream of Consciousness Blogging! I feel like I have a lot to say/learn, and that I need a neutral way to say/learn it... I also would love to share without having my flow affected or limited by someone else's... to make myself say what I have to say clearly and without defensiveness. ...and sometimes I might only post a good recipe I've tried or an article I've found in my web travels...
This is a lovely blog. It's great to have a place to rant and express oneself, and you're doing it so well. Keep on keepin' on.
ReplyDeleteThanks IMGoM... It is my hope that others will comment so we can get a discussion going.