Monday, September 21, 2009

News? It sounds like the same old same old to me!

I've had a devil of a time with the internet lately! I've been trying to upload videos all day with no success! Other days in the past week - I've had posts around the WEB simply disappear or appear twice with the same timestamp... If I hear "Mercury Retrograde" once more I'll... well, I suppose I won't do anything except SIGH! So with frustration dogging my every computer attempt I've gone for more frequent walks in wooded places and along the shore, - fall is definitely nippin' the air here in Maine. While some folks can't bear the weather shifting from summer to winter, I don't mind a bit (unless I have to drive somewhere in a storm!) and for a time Nature again restores me...

Which I dearly need with the flavor of the NEWS these days- politicians are still (continually?)making a hash of our national goings on... National climate/Energy issues seem to be in exactly the same place as they were 3 decades ago when it was first brought to our attention that the climate was going through some massive changing and we needed to find different energy sources... The Envoronment is still struggling to maintain some balance - with less than 10% of the land and water in this nation "undeveloped" - as if pollution and resource extraction was some sort of evolution! Wolves, polar bears, dolphins, whales; all straining just to exist ...Iraq has been blown to pieces and all modernization with it... women afraid to even walk their own streets - power and water  unavailable for most of the time...  Afghanis are still being blown up as "collateral damage" in a conflict that makes no sense to me at all. What exactly are we doing to these people and Why? They've never done a thing to this nation - except of course try to kill the soldiers we keep sending over to ... find Osama? stop the murdering Taliban? bring them democracy? (I am even having trouble understanding what democracy is with the way our politicians have been "representing" us!)... Health Care Reform appears to be a cruel joke where facists are finding new ways to bankrupt consumers and too few of our elected "representatives" seem to have enough regard for the populace to give a tinker's damn what we want. Our own Maine senators have a different view than the majority here... We want Single Payer and they want ...what? - happy corporate sponsors? SIGH!
Why is it that all the government people who have single payer, don't seem to think We the People should enjoy the same safeguards for health and savings?
So thanks be for puppies that wrestle fallen leaves, ...for the beauty of Nature that helps me cope with all of the human folly... for family that shares, and for Fall in Maine; cool nights - glorious days... and for being able to live, love, learn, and create as best we can, amongst it all!

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